Bukit Brown Cemetery is well documented in Singapore. The fight by civic societies to preserve this Bukit Brown Cemetery raised much interest in this place. Bukit Brown Cemetery holds up to 100,000 burial plots for the Chinese. The famous personalities buried there included Mr Ong Sam Leong (very rich man), Chew Joo Chiat, Gan Eng Seng and many more. Take note that Mr Ong Sam Leong's burial place is the largest and most elaborate in the Bukit Brown area. Bukit Brown Cemetery is located off the Sime Road and near to Singapore Island Country Club. As this cemetery is facing some changes to the site due the construction of a road through this place, Mrupupup went to see this Bukit Brown place. Well, Mrupupup thinks it is quite a big place and quiet with many interesting birds chirping. The most impressive thing of Bukit Brown were the tombs. Just to let Mrupupup's readers know that some tombs had Sikh Guards placed next to the tombs. One tomb even had...