
Showing posts with the label Japan

Chara Expo 2017 at Suntec Singapore #charaexpo

Mrupupup went to the Chara Expo 2017 at Suntec City. Wow so many people! All in Japanese anime cosplay costumes. Guess Singapore loves Japanese anime! Go Go Go! Check out the pictures and video......kawaiiii!

From Takayama to Kanazawa Japan

Wakey Wakey, Mrupupup! Time to travel from Takayama (really slow pace sleepy town) to Kanazawa via train. Out we checked out from Washington Plaza Takayama Hotel, it was a cold day in December. The hotel person said we could go. Mrupupup found this hotel a bit of stiff business class hotel, not too friendly though.           Along the way to the train station which was just across the road from the hotel, Mrupupup bought a bento set and nice box of fresh strawberry (about SGD4 - quite cheap compared to imported ones from Japan) for the train ride. Mrupupup had to queue up for the train ride half an hour before the train came as we did not have reserved seats. Surprisingly, the queue had many Singaporeans and bunch of Asian people.           As the train came, we rushed in to get the best seats so as to enjoy our meal on board and the view outside. The train had wide view window which ...

Shirakawa-go and Gokayama - Have you been? Nice Thatched Houses

Mrupupup went to Shirakawa-go and Gokayama for the famous Thatched Houses that had roof shaped like 'praying hands'. Mrupupup took the bus from Takayama to go to these two places. The bus journey would take about 1 hour. Do queue early before the bus arrives as there would be many Japanese wanting to visit these areas. Once board the bus, prepare for a long journey to these places. Do prepare snacks and water for the journey. Do read the bus time table properly as Mrupupup nearly miss the bus. You could take the bus and go to the villages of Shirakawa-go (which is more famous) and the other Gokayama villages, Mrupupup went to one of the Gokayama village named Suganuma. If you are short of time, Mrupupup thinks Shirakawa-go would be enough for a day visit. Mrupupup never stay overnight in the village to enjoy the quietness, but one could stay overnight. Mrupupup saw many tourists dragging their luggages after an overnight stay. However, the villages got pretty d...

Hida Furukawa - Japan town with nice canal and sidewalks

             Hida Furuakawa, in Gifu prefecture, is a few train stops away from Takayama where Mrupupup was staying. Hida Furukawa is a nice Japanese town. A quiet town when Mrupupup visited in early December.               The interesting part of Hida Furukawa was the nice stream running through the town. As it was close to winter, the carp fish found along the river canal had been take away for hibernation. With the nice carp fish, the canal would be a great sight. Think this Hida Furukawa town, although small in size, was beautiful.              Take a stroll along the town, one could find peace among the houses and temples. Mrupupup bought a nice Japanese snack and matcha (green tea) ice cream to eat while sitting along the river canal. Mrupupup just felt in peace within this place....

Takayama Japan A Nice Trip to Enjoy

                Takayama in Japan is in the mountainous region. Mrupupup went to Takayama from Singapore. Mrupupup took a flight from Singapore to Nagoya airport. Then from the airport change the voucher of the Takayama Tourist pass for unlimited train travel. The voucher was changed at the Nagoya Train information counter at Nagoya Train Station area (a bit hard to find). If you get lost in Nagoya Train Station, just ask and the railway people would direct you.                 After changing for the 5 days Takayama Train pass, go take train to Takayama (about 1 hour 30 mins from Nagoya). Alight at Takayama train station, Mrupupup went to Washington Plaza Hotel Takayama. This hotel was very convenient as it was directly opposite the Takayama Train Station. The hotel was ok, but the hotel staff were a bit not friendly though. The room was...

Koda Kumi J-Pop Queen delivers Singapore concert - the first

Mrupupup was invited to attend the great concert by J-pop Queen Koda Kumi at Scape Orchard (yeah 1 night performance only). Part of Koda Kumi's Asia Live tour of Asian venues, Koda Kumi delivered her concert with much power, high energy and she sang many beautiful Japanese songs. Mrupupup loved her voice in her slower songs like "Walk of My Life" - her latest song. Great night of music and got many Japanese fans in Singapore. Singapore was only one of the two venues in Asia as part of her tour (the other in Taiwan). Her powerful voice and all action dance.Wow! Koda Kumi!                   Live Koda Kumi in Singapore - Powerful    

Shinkansen Japanese Bullet Train Travel Tip Travel Log

  Shinkansen Japanese Bullet Train is a very pretty train. Mrupupup took the Shinkansen a few times and it never fails to amazes Mrupupup.   Mrupupup on this day took the Shinkansen to travel from Tokyo to the northern cities of Japan. Once inside the cabin of the Shinkansen, one would be in awe of the cleanliness of each seat. The cabin was also absolutely so 'peaceful' once the train pulls off from the platform. The bullet train would travel at speeds of 300km/hr. However, one would not feel the speed but the steadiness of the ride.   In the cabin, Mrupupup would look out the window and see the wonderful country side and built up areas of Tokyo. Mrupupup would be fascinated by Japanese society with its neatness, peace, zen and orderliness. Even in the Shinkansen train, one should not talk in a loud manner.   Zoom. The ride would take one to another city in 30mins. Before you knew it, you are ready to alight from the train. Oh, the music o...

JRunway Singapore Oishii! Event Japanese Sweets and Fashion

Mrupupup discovered new fashion and Oishii Japanese desserts at the event held in the Japanese JRunway Store - Plaza Singapore #01-54. Well, Mrupupup had a nice Japanese cake and ate it! Mrupupup loved Japanese things! Loved the Japanese cake dessert which came in a beautifully wrapped box. Mrupupup impressed with Japanese culture! Oishii at JRunway was a nice event and Mrupupup got to understand more of Japanese fashion, sake, desserts. Pretty good way to spend an evening in Singapore. JRunway Store Plaza Singapore Oishii Eventļ»æ     Presenting the Japanese Cake Desserts     Happy Host for the Event - things she likes Japan     Ladies in Japanese Dress     Nice Japanese Cake Dessert - Very Well Wrapped!      

Croquette and Japanese Doctor

Mrupupup took along a Japanese croquette, an umbrella and a hot flask of green tea to visit a famous Shinto temple in Sendai, Japan. Japanese croquette was delicately placed in orange container. You know how Japanese croquette are like, they are just so nice to eat with their bread crumbed and soft potato taste. Well, this Japanes croquette had a salmon filling in it too.      Mrupupup took the train line from his hotel in Sendai. Mrupupup looked in amazement the multi coloured lines of the trains on the board. Luckily, Mrupupup's mate got a way to 'decipher' the correct train line to take to this Shinto temple.      Mrupupup took the efficient red train line to the correct stop and alighted. As the train came to a stop, the ever lovely pre-recorded music played and train captain made announcements and wished every passenger a good day. How Mrupupup wished Singapore's trains could be so pleasant? The music la-di-d...

Miyazaki Fair Isetan Scotts Road

Mrupupup went to the Miyazaki Fair @ Isetan Scotts Road (Singapore) Basement Level, 23 Aug to 2 Sep 2012. The Japanese sells many food items from special rice, Japanese ice cream (very nice!), plums, sweet potato, snacks and cakes and many more! Go and see the fair or you can take a look at the pictures below. Mrupupup bought their milk ice cream and taste very nice and unique! The prices for the Japanese food items are at a discount. If you are familiar with Japanese shopping mall, you can do some trying before you buy. Anyway, have fun and do take note not to go to the fair too late for they close early at 7pm daily till 2 Sept 2012.

Visit Japan Posters

Saw some 'Visit Japan' posters along Orchard Road in Singapore. Pretty cute posters showing all the famous tourist attractions in Japan. Japan is nice and beautiful country. Well, if you can, do visit Japan in your lifetime.

Sweets from Hokkaido Japan

Bought these two sweets from Hokkaido, Japan. Very nice. 1) Milk Sweets from Hokkaido, Hakodate, Japan. Beautiful place with many Russian Orthodox churches and tree lined streets. Thats why the sweet packaging got church design. Nice harbour area also. 2) This strawberry flavour sweet from the Hokkaido country side region which has a population of brown bears. Nice!