
Showing posts with the label Movie

SMTOWN The Stage Documentary Movie

Do check out the SMTOWN the Stage Movie (documentary). Very nice and thrilling show (because of the fast paced hip hop dance). Mrupupup saw this documentary movie which described the lives of the Korean singing and dance artiste in the Korean music industry (SMTOWN).  The  documentary presents footage from Korea's SM Entertainment's recent worldwide concert tour, " SMTOWN  Live World Tour IV" in Korea, Japan, and China and  features Korean superstars & groups like  BoA, TVXQ, Super Junior, Girls Generation and Red Velvet. One could see many things like backstage action, how they trained for many years to be famous, how trainees need to train on and on to get at least a chance to be on SMTOWN Stage. One Korean Group trained in dance steps and lyrics for two years to debut one single Korean song. Wow, two years the same song on and on. Very nice show and Mrupupup thinks only Golden Village Plaza Singapore and GV Tampines are showing this movie in their ci...

Fury - the movie review

Fury is a nice movie. If you like American war stories, this is a movie you can watch.     The movie is about Brad Pitt - code name 'wardaddy' leading his men to war against the Nazis towards the tail end of War World II in Germany.   The movie was good because of the great acting, solid story, great action scenes with a tank and nice shots of inside of a tank.   If you like Brad Pitt, well he did a great job in this movie. He tends to play down in his roles, but for this movie, he was the leading man. In this movie, Mrupupup would remember Brad Pitt's line "Idealism is peaceful, however history is violent." So profound.   In the end, this movie is about American heroes. Guess, too much Hollywood movie just make one feel good for a while in their lives. The movie was intense and one would feel time flew past very quickly in this 2 hour movie.   Ok, enjoy Fury. By the way, Fury is the name of the tank also. ļ»æ

Transformers - Age of Extinction Movie Trailer is Awesome!

The official Youtube trailer for "Transformer: Age of Extinction" movie directed by Michael Bay and starring Mark Wahlberg is totally awesome!!! Look forward to the movie when it comes to Singapore on 26 June 2014. Check out the trailer!!! Optimus Prime Rockz!      

May the Fourth Day 2014 Star Wars at Jurong Library

Mrupupup had an interesting day at the Jurong Regional Library. Why? Because May the Four (Force) be with you event was held at Jurong Library to help remember the good times Star Wars Movies had on the generation of adults. The event was great with Dark Lord (Darth Vader), Storm Troopers, Jedi Knights and Imperial Soldiers gracing the event. The Library also had space to showcase the Star Wars toys, had a special screening of the making of Kenner Star Wars toys, Helmets designed by artists and great photo taking opportunities with the Star Wars troops from Legion 501 (Singapore). Really great fun event! The kids were having fun and talking to their parents on the Star Wars toys. Great event kudos to the organisers and the National Library Board! May the Four (Force) be with you! Video of Storm Troopersļ»æ                            

Spider Man 2 Movie Sneak Peek Singapore

Thanks to Sony Pictures SG. Got a short 30minutes peek into the new Spider Man 2 Movie in GV Vivocity. Pretty awesome movie Spider Man 2. OK, Mrupupup got only a short peek, hope to see more of the movie when it comes out on 1 May 2014. Ssshhhhssssh! Mrupupup cannot tell you more of the Spider Man 2 movie. Enjoyed the movie short preview. Thanks Sony Pictures SG! #SpiderMan2            

Ilo Ilo Movie Premiere at Singapore Marina Bay Sands Theatres ēˆø妈äøåœØ家

Mrupupup attended the Gala Premiere of Ilo Ilo  ēˆø妈äøåœØ家. Great acting from the cast and very honest portrayal of a family life in Singapore. Ilo Ilo won the the Cannes Award 2013 for Director Anthony Chen, the very first Cannes Award for Singapore. Mrupupup felt proud to watch the movie Ilo Ilo and Singapore has great talents! Good Job! This is what I call a gala premiere with the Singapore President gracing the occasion at Marina Bay Sands Theatres. The event also had many celebrities : Glenda Chong (TV news reader), Ivan Heng (Director for dramas/plays), Pierre Png (TV actor), Eunice Olsen (famous celebrity) and many more. Ok, enough names dropping, go watch the Ilo Ilo movie which opens in Singapore on 29 August 2013 and be surprise to see the Singapore in the 1980s and 1990s. Enjoy! Ilo Ilo Movie Premiere at Marina Bay Sands Theatres   Cast and Director Anthony Chen   French House of Remy Martin giving Director Anthony Chen a gold plate...

Percy Jackson :Sea of Monsters - Movie Premiere

Mrupupup attended the movie premiere of the new 3D movie Percy Jackson : Sea of Monsters at Shaw Lido Theatre. The movie was an adrenalin rush because it got many action scenes. Mrupupup felt the movie was ok and more suitable for teenagers. The story is about a young boy with greek god super power and his friends trying to save the world. The movie got many special effects. Percy Jackson is like a Harry Potter and would not be able to die. Percy Jackson would travel to an exotic location of where there is a special cloth named as Golden Fleece and try to steal it away from a Cyclops (one eye monster) in order to save a young lady which was protecting the village from destruction. The whole story ended on a positive note and no good guys die. The move will release in Singapore on 29 August 2013. Have fun watching the movie and enjoy the action scenes.   Movie trailer  

That Girl in Pinafore : Movie Gala Premiere

That Girl In Pinafore (A Singapore Love Story) - ꈑēš„ęœ‹å‹ļ¼Œęˆ‘ēš„同å­øļ¼Œęˆ‘ꄛ過ēš„äø€åˆ‡ is a very nice locally made movie about life in the 1980s and 1990s of Singapore. Mrupupup was invited for the movie gala premiere at GV Vivocity. Mrupupup enjoyed the movie very much. The songs played in the movie were from the Chinese 'Xinyao' music era in Singapore. It was the glorious times in Chinese music in Singapore. The 'Xinyao' songs at that era were all so beautifully crafted. Loved the replaying of all the popular 'Xinyao' songs in this movie.  The movie was about a love story between a poor boy and rich girl. The storyline was nice. At the end of the day, the movie ended tragically for one of the character. Well, a decent movie storyline always would have a tinge of sadness, for life is never perfect. This movie has local stars like Daren Tan 陈äø–ē»“, Julie Tan é™ˆę¬£ę·‡, Jayley Woo Jiaqi & many more. If you are a Singaporean, go watch the movie which was released ...

Andy Lau Fan Photo Taking Session for Blind Detective Movie

Andy Lau 刘 å¾· 华  is a famous Hong Kong singer & movie star. Along with Sammi Cheng, these two movie stars were in Singapore. Mrupupup had a chance to take a photo with them. The two stars were in town to promote their latest Chinese movie "Blind Detective". Mrupupup loved watching Andy Lau in movies. When Mrupupup saw Andy Lau at Equarius Hotel @ Sentosa Resorts World, Mrupupup was awed by Andy Lau's presence. He's got charisma! Andy Lau is still so good looking for his age (50 plus). Wonderful experience but very quick photo taking session. Mrupupup was wary of the security surrounding Andy Lau and Sammi Cheng. Very fun experience! Andy Lau very cool movie star and wished him well for his new movie the Blind Detective.   The end result- a quick group photo with Andy Lau & Sammi Cheng     Waiting for a chance to take photo with Movie Stars       Holding room to wait for the stars ...

The Lone Ranger - Movie

Mrupupup is excited to see Johnny Depp in his new movie - The Lone Ranger. As usual, with Johnny Depp in the movie 'The Lone Ranger", there would be lots of twists and turns, and hopefully would have some 'dark' comedy & great adventures. Johnny Depp, not a ā€œsavvy-ingā€ pirate this time but a Native American spiritual warrior, TONTO, who recounts the untold tales that transformed a man of the law into a legend of justice, JOHN REID aka LONE RANGER, enacted by Armie Hammer. Hold tight to your seats for a thrilling adventure infused with action and humor, in which the famed masked hero is brought to life through new eyes.  The action-packed film takes the audience on a runaway train of epic surprises and humorous friction as the two unlikely heroes must learn to work together and fight against greed and corruption. Catch Disneyā€™s ā€œThe Lone Rangerā€ in Singapore cinemas this 4 July 2013 ! For more updates, like the Official Walt Disney Studios Singapore Faceb...

Disney Pixarā€™s Monsters University

Monsters University - the cartoon movie will be here in Singapore! So exciting! Mrupupup loves Mike and Sulley - the 'scary' monsters of this century! These monsters ROCKZZ! Mrupupup wants to see the Monsters having fun in the cartoon and making us laugh out loud with their pranks & jokes (LOL!). Saw the movie trailer and the Monsters are really having a great time in their university! Check out the Disney Pixar's Monsters University Trailer Catch Disney Pixarā€™sā€œMonsters Universityā€in Singapore cinemas this 20 June 2013! For more updates, like the Official Walt Disney Studios Singapore Facebook Page , follow @disneystudiosSG and subscribe to the Official Disney Studios Singapore YouTube Channel !ā€ To find out if you are eligible for studies at Monsters University, you can also participate in the Monsters Aptitude Test (M.A.T.) on the Facebook page & stand to win exclusive premiums.

A Good Day to Die Hard - Movie Premiere

Mrupupup attended the movie premiere of  'A Good Day to Die Hard' at Shaw Lido along Orchard Road. Wow, Bruce Willis is still alive and kicking in his 'Die Hard' movie stories. This recent 'Die Hard' movie was based in Moscow and he got to see his son. Along with his son, the two fight off all sorts of guns, missiles, apache shots, incredible stunts and great explosion. Take note (spolier coming) Bruce Willis and his son never dies. If you like Die Hard stories and great action scenes, go watch the movie which would be release in Singapore on 7 Feb 2013. For Mrupupup, it was an enjoyable movie. A movie which requires no much thinking and just pure non-stop action scenes. Very fun movie! Oh, first time Mrupupup got a chance to attend a movie premiere which required one to surrender all handphones and digital equipment - pretty serious stuff. Have fun at the movie! A Good Day to Die Hard!

Hitchcock - the Movie Preview

Mrupupup attended the fim preview of the movie 'Hitchcock'. Thanks to 20th Century Fox Singapore. The movie preview was held at the Filmgarde cinema in Bugis+ Mall. The movie 'Hitchcock' was based the life of famous 'suspense/thriller' movie film director Alfred Hitchcock. The story line revolves around Alfred Hitchcock attenpt to create the 1960 movie 'Psycho', which was his best movie in his life. The Hitchcock movie was nice and Mrupupup loved the cynical humour in the conversations. Being a film director in Paramount Pictures was tough work, Hitchcock even mortgage his house to create the suspense thriller 'Psycho'. Hitchcock believed in himself and he got very strong support from his wife Alma. At the end of the day, the movie showed the strong love between Hitchcock and Alma. Well, pretty good movie and gave the viewer a better understanding of what happened in Hollywood filme set during the 50s and 60s. Hitchcock the movie would be releas...

Gangster Squad - A Movie Preview

Today, Mrupupup rushed to see a new movie "Gangster Squad' starring Sean Penn. The movie preview was at GV Max Vivocity. The movie was worth the rush for and loved the excitement of a American movie with good cops and bad guys theme. The story was good and story based on a bad crook in LA named Mickey Cohen (really bad person played by Sean Penn). The movie had lots of action (lots of guns and cars in the 60s' era), romance, little bit of humor,  heroes and a squad of cops willing to fight for justice and get rid of bad guys. Well, here comes the 'spoiler' the good guys won! Good movie enjoyed it and loved the acting by Sean Penn (full of intensity in his face). Thanks sponsor for the movie preview tickets. Release of the Gangster Squad movie on 10 Jan 2013.

Disneyā€™s WRECK-IT RALPH! Movie

Blog about favourite game character and why excited over Wreck-it Ralph.... Mrupupup likes PacMan as the favourite game arcade character.  Pacman  is an all time classic video game and was released in 1980. Pacman is so focused on its job to chop away all the circles and eat up the bad guys chasing it. Mrupupup likes Pacman! Mrupupup is excited to watch Wreck-it Ralph movie and just like Pacman will be doing good and be a hero in the arcade game world. Wreck-it Ralph will be fun to watch and Mrupupup thinks Pacman will have a small role in the cartoon movie too. So fun to watch game arcade characters come to life ! "Catch Disneyā€™s  WRECK-IT RALPH  in Singapore cinemas this 20 December 2012 and like the  Official Walt Disney Studios Singapore Facebook Page , follow  @disneystudiosSG  and subscribe to the  Official Disney Studios Singapore YouTube Channel !ā€ Movie Synopsis Walt Disney Animation Studios and Emm...

Twilight Breaking Dawn Saga Part 2 Movie at GV City Square Cinema

Mrupupup attended the new Movie Twilight Breaking Dawn Saga Part 2 Movie at the Golden Village Cinema at City Square (@Level 5 & nearest MRT Farrer Park Station). This new GV Cinema recently opened just last week and everything like seats and carpet were new. The GV cinema had a neat ticketing counter and nice movie screen. The Twilight Movie had great shots of amazing 'winter season' mountain scenery and the GV Multiplex Cinema at City Square delivered with clear pictures. The new cinema also had a good sound system which allowed Mrupupup to enjoyed the show much more. Twilight Breaking Dawn Saga was a great movie with very nice scenery, great ending to a long love story between a vampire & human and very nice music! Totally enjoyed the movie, thanks OMY and GV City Square for the tickets!