Mr Ian Wright, famous TV Travel Host - Launch Event at MBS Singapore
Had a rare chance to attend the 'Invite Mr Wright' launch event held in Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. Mr Ian Wright is the famous TV host on Travel and Living Cable Channel (TLC). The event was to launch the new travel series by Mr Ian Wright on cable TV. I am a fan of Mr Ian Wright! He is a great travel host.
- Autograph signing by Mr Ian Wright
- Listen to Ian Wright's stories of his travels in the up-coming series of 'Invite Mr Wright' on TLC
- Evening hosted by the famous radio DJ Vernetta Lopez. She was a great MC and had great chemistry with Ian Wright!
- Listen to a photography talk by Leslie Tay of the 'ieatishootipost' food blogger fame
- Best part was dinner which was cooked by Justin Quek, the famous Singapore Chef from 'Sky on 57' at Marina Bay Sands
- The 5 part dinner served: Beef broth soup, soft shell crab with mango salad, Angus beef steak, Nordic Salmon, Chocolate dessert.
Super great evening - thanks to Travel and Living Channel & Canon for the complementary invite!

Table setting

Videos of the event
The 'Invite Mr Wright' evening was great:
- Had pictures taken with Mr Ian Wright- Autograph signing by Mr Ian Wright
- Listen to Ian Wright's stories of his travels in the up-coming series of 'Invite Mr Wright' on TLC
- Evening hosted by the famous radio DJ Vernetta Lopez. She was a great MC and had great chemistry with Ian Wright!
- Listen to a photography talk by Leslie Tay of the 'ieatishootipost' food blogger fame
- Best part was dinner which was cooked by Justin Quek, the famous Singapore Chef from 'Sky on 57' at Marina Bay Sands
- The 5 part dinner served: Beef broth soup, soft shell crab with mango salad, Angus beef steak, Nordic Salmon, Chocolate dessert.
Super great evening - thanks to Travel and Living Channel & Canon for the complementary invite!

Poster of the Event
Photos taken by Ian Wright in his travels
Food menu prepared by Justin Quek
The host with Mr Ian Wright
Nordic Salmon - Very nice
The host Lopez with Leslie Tay - famous food blogger
Soft Shell Crab with Mango Salad
Grilled Watermelon - a dish for the vegetarians (Very pretty dish)

Sparking wine before the event

Justin Quek the famous chef

Table setting

Beef Broth Soup

Ian Wright with his fans

Mr Ian Wright's autograph on the Food Menu
Managed to get him to sign! Yeah!
Managed to get him to sign! Yeah!

Angus Beef Steak

Chocolate Desserts
Videos of the event
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