Remembering our Founding Father Mr LKY - Hero of Singapore (March 2015)
The founding father of Singapore - Mr Lee Kuan Yew- would be dearly missed by all Singaporeans. Below some pictures of the scenes of the funeral and all walks of life going to Parliament to pay their last respects to the great man and hero of Singapore. Mr LKY would always be dear in our hearts and he would rest in peace after the years of hard work building up Singapore.
Proud to be Singaporean! Majullah Singapura! Progress Singapore!
Thank you and with great gratitude to Mr Lee Kuan Yew.
Mrupupup's Blog, 2015 March.

Proud to be Singaporean! Majullah Singapura! Progress Singapore!
Thank you and with great gratitude to Mr Lee Kuan Yew.
Mrupupup's Blog, 2015 March.

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